EANGUS Eagle Award to Senator Joni Ernst

Mar 1, 2021 | Legislative

EANGUS Awards the G.V. “Sonny” Montgomery Eagle Award to Senator Joni Ernst

The 2021 G.V. “Sonny” Montgomery Eagle Award was presented to U.S. Senator Joni Ernst, Iowa, during the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) Legislative Workshop conducted virtually on Saturday, February 27, 2021.  Senator Ernst was recognized for her continuing record of support for National Guard members. She has been instrumental in the introduction of significant legislation impacting our members to include the Senate’s Support our National Guard Act which will provide transitional health care benefits to National Guard members who responded to the COVID-19 pandemic under Title 32 orders. She also pushed for hazardous duty incentive pay and to have Title 32 deployment orders extended to more than 31 days to ensure National Guard members received healthcare coverage while working on the front lines of the pandemic.  Senator Ernest also sponsored or co-sponsored additional legislation to address sexual assault, sexual harassment, and suicide in the military. This includes the successful expansion of Military Sexual Trauma counseling at the VA for former members of the National Guard or Reserve, who previously were ineligible for those services. Senator Ernst has been a great advocate for members of the National Guard. EANGUS is proud to recognize her work to improve benefits, expand access to mental health care and treatment, and provide protections to the men and women of the National Guard responding to national emergencies such as the current pandemic.